Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hooray for my first blog post!!

Hi everyone and welcome! 
My very first blog post. EVER! I can't believe it. I've become such a computer geek ever since I moved to San Francisco. I've created a Twitter account, a Facebook fan page, my own website, and now I'm starting a blog!! Wowza! I have to be honest, I feel like I'm talking to a room full of imaginary friends right now because I actually have no idea who on Earth would want to read my peculiar ramblings….then again…who wouldn't?!?! I am a pretty groovy gal and I'm excited to share my zany going on's with you.  :)

The birth of my blog: 
As many of you know my bestie and fellow standby, Felicia Ricci has an amazing blog, (Unnaturally Green). Last week, while the two of us were getting pedicures and reading trashy magazines about celebrities, we were also discussing how much we love journaling. It's such a therapeutic outlet. I told her how much I love reading her blog and she suggested that I start my own. My initial reaction was, "Absolutely not! Blogs are time consuming and I wouldn't know what to write about." She assured me that people would like to hear about life as a Glinda standby and as…well, Libby. So, I had a change of heart. Maybe I will enjoy blogging as much as I do journaling. Maybe people do want to hear about the bubbles and troubles of my life. So here it goes….hope you enjoy, and if not, at least my mom will! Hi Mom! :)

I held a contest to see who could come up with the best title (in my opinion) for my blog. The winner get's to have a special feature in this very post. First of all THANK YOU to everyone for suggesting such witty titles- it was actually quite a difficult decision. Drum roll please…the winner is……CARY KOH! Congratulations, Cary!! He came up with "I've heard it said…" I chose this title because these are Glinda's first lyrics in "For Good," a song that is very special to me. It proceeds to talk about friendship and life and how everyone changes us in someway, whether it be for the better or not. Bravo, Cary Koh!
Cary is the concertmaster of the orchestra here at Wicked, SF. He plays the violin AND is the Associate Conductor. Everyone in the cast loves Cary because he is a complete genius with everything he does and yet he is the most humble man you'll ever meet.  He is the real deal and we are all so lucky to have him in the Wicked family! :) 
So there ya have it. My first blogging experience. Thanks for sharing it with me. Until next time... :) 


  1. Yay, Libby! Welcome to the blogosphere! :]

  2. I am super excited about your blog! :) Yayy Libby!

  3. yayyy libbyyy ;D

    but oh pleaseee, we all would love to hear about your glinda life...and a little of your real lifee. ;D

  4. YAY Libby! Excited for what's to come!! Blog soon :)

  5. Congrats Libby!!! Cary is really a cool guy and I was fortunate enough to see him conduct the orchestra. Looking forward to move blogging :)

  6. Looking forward to your next rumination!

  7. Bestie! You did it! I love your first post! And killer pink/red poppy theme.

    As for Cary, he is indeed a genius. But to ensure that he stays humble, let me bear down on his self-esteem for a quick sec: Cary is really bad at origami. There is no evidence to suggest this, I just have a strong feeling about it.

    Love you!

  8. We are not imaginary friends. We are here to read of your adventures here in SF and then back in the real world on your acting journey after September 5th. I'm glad to be aboard.
    PS: The pink background with the red poppies is sooooo bril.
    See you at SD

  9. So glad you started. Hurray for Libby!

  10. Hi, Libby!
    Congrats on your blog! I'm thrilled to be taking this journey with you. Like Felicia, you'll be pleasantly surprised that you're not just talking to the ether. We're here. We're real. And I'm hoping to read more about your future experiences. All the best!

  11. I am not imaginary, Libby!! I am real. ;) Welcome to the blogging world! It can be addicting, but Felicia's blog is loads of fun to read and I am sure your's will be too!! :) Great blog title too! ;) Look forward to future posts!

  12. Forgot to mention - Extra points for using the word "groovy" as in "I am a pretty groovy gal". How very '70s. ;-D

  13. You picked the perfect title! Love and miss you Bibs

  14. Love the title! "Wowza"? Miss green one is rubbing off on you. :)

  15. Libby! "Zany going on's," "wowza," "bubbles and troubles!" I love your blog and cannot wait for you to post more. The title is fabulous.. nice, Cary! I couldn't picture a better theme for your page either. It looks like the print of an Anthropologie dress I better not catch you wearing through the "Pork Chop!" Congratulations on the blog.. write on! ;)

  16. Welcome! How are you liking SF? Have you been able to travel outside of the city much?

    Tuning in...
